Tag Archives: 365dailycreativeprojects create inspired

and with an inspiration… she’s back.

Today started out just like a typical rainy Monday. I was late for work by 15 minutes (I forgot I owed a colleague a coffee and had to make a second stop at Dunks) and after morning duty in the Gym – I met my class in Room 304.

Happily today was not your typical Monday lesson plan, instead we tromped off the Halibut Point State Park for a rainy day adventure. The weather was dreary, but the views were beautiful. Not to mention- the class was surprisingly well behaved.

However, it was after lunch that inspired me to start this new adventure. Actually- its all Martha’s fault. You see, Martha recently picked up this book…

365 – Daily Creative Journal- Make Something Every Day & Change Your Life. She shared with me her theme for the next 365 days and it was then that my own wheels started turning…..

Let’s just say the first thing I did after school was pick up a copy of the book. Tonight I shall read… tomorrow I hope to be back with a few ideas.